Welcome to Columbia Presbyterian Church!
We are a gospel-centered church in the heart of Columbia committed to seeing Christ glorified in Marion County and beyond. If you have questions about our church or would like to meet with the pastor, drop us a line at 601-736-4728 or columbiapca@gmail.com.
What to expect on Sundays
Our services begin at 11 and usually lasts an hour. We also have children’s and adult Sunday school classes that meet at 9:45am. While our worship style is mostly traditional, there is no dress code - come as you are! We typically celebrate the Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of every month and have a potluck-style lunch every second Sunday. Nursery is available during the worship service.
Before moving to Columbia in 2023, Hunter served on staff at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS and later at St Columba’s Free Church of Scotland in Edinburgh, Scotland. He studied at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson and earned a PhD at the University of Edinburgh.
Hunter is married to Carlee and they have three children.